Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Talking Donkey!

I wonder how often some of us get our direction from the Church and then, like Balaam, plead for some worldly rewards and finally receive an answer which says, in effect, If you are determined to be a millionaire or to gain this or that worldly honor, then do it with the understanding that you will continue to serve the Lord. Then we wonder why things don’t go as well for us as they would have done if we had put first in our lives the things of God’s kingdom?

What are the rewards of unrighteousness? Do they not include seeking for worldly things when these oppose the interests of the Church?

And don’t we all know people who, though they were once firm and steadfast in testimony, are now opposing the Lord’s purposes and interests on earth because money and power have twisted their judgment of what should or should not be?

Balaam, the prophet, inspired and mighty as he once was, lost his soul in the end because he set his heart on the things of this world (see D&C 121:35) rather than the riches of eternity (see D&C 78:18).

What a wealth of meaning there is in these inspired words of Joseph Smith, words addressed to people who have testimonies but want to mingle the things of this world with them: “Behold, there are many called, but few are chosen. And why are they not chosen?"

--Bruce R. McKonkie


So I just read Numbers 22-25, the part with Balaam and the talking donkey. What a crazy story! I enjoyed reading the talk by Bruce R. McKonkie on the subject as well.

I believe that the Lord does give us the agency to do what we want, but will also let us know what we need. I'm grateful for that. Lately I have been wondering what more I can do to live the gospel better. I found that I need to sincerely pray more and keep my eye on the goal of the celestial kingdom. I love prayer and how Heavenly Father answers our prayers. I'm grateful for the Holy Ghost that can talk to us and prompt us to do better.

I'm glad to be plugging along in the OT. Stories like this one make it worth it!">

1 comment:

Bradwich said...

That's one of my favorite lesser-known Bible stories. See, there are some nuggets of good stuff hidden between all of the recitations of the Law of Moses. :)