Saturday, April 26, 2008

God Made Them Brothers, and God Made Them Friends

"This is also a story about forgiveness and family reconciliation. “If I were to teach the principle of generosity in human relationships, how marvelous to share with people … the relationship of Jacob and Esau,” said Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Just as Jacob and Esau needed time apart, so might we occasionally need time to calm our feelings and reflect on the importance of our family relationships. Yet time and separation alone will not bring resolution. If we are prayerful, the Lord will help us know when the time is right for reconciliation, and we can follow the example of these brothers. How sweet that moment of sincere reconciliation can be! Our Savior will help us. He is the great Mediator, and He is able to soften hearts and heal wounds. He knows how to bring people to a unity of heart and mind. His example of marvelous generosity to us through His Atonement can help inspire forgiveness in our souls." (From the website.)

We just read tonight about Jacob and Esau's reuniting. I had no idea this story existed. See how reading the scriptures can be?

Anyway, later in life, Jacob is commanded to go back to the land of his inheritance, and is scared because at one time Esau wanted to kill him. And when Jacob sent Esau a friendly note saying that he was returning, Esau sent a note saying that he was ready and waiting with 400 armed men. But when Jacob returned, he bowed 7 times to Esau as a show of respect, then Esau ran forward, hugged and kissed him, and wept.

What a happy ending! What a great book! A lot can be learned about this story, as demonstrated in the quote above. I'm glad the story of their relationship ended well. The Lord truly can soften hearts.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Leah and Rachael

"When heaven’s promises sometimes seem afar off, I pray that each of us will embrace these exceeding great and precious promises and never let go. And just as God remembered Rachel, God will remember you." (Spencer J. Condie, Ensign Nov. 2007)


We just read about Jacob last night and how he had to work 14 years to marry Rachel, but instead got Leah. He worked another 14 years for Rachel. The Bible makes it sound like Rachel was the one who had it hard. After all, she wasn't able to bear children for a very long time, and couldn't marry the man she wanted for 28 years before that. I guess she did have it very hard. I always see the happy ending, how she was able to have Jacob's favorite son's who were righteous and good. But she couldn't see the happy ending from the beginning. Neither can we. I'm going to try to remember that there is a happy ending if only we endure righteously to the end.

On another note, though, I've always felt sorry for Leah. Here she had to marry a man she knew didn't love her, even though she bare him lots of sons, and she wasn't as pretty as Rachel. That would be a hard life, too. I wonder what Leah was like inside. If she was a bitter person who felt like a victim, or if she was okay with her lot in life.

Anyway, that's the latest story from the OT. (Sorry for the abrupt ending, but my lunch break is up...)

Friday, April 18, 2008

Still Plugging Away

I know I never update this blog. However, I am still continuing my goal to read the Old Testament.

Reading this book by myself was truly not easy. And not working. So now I read the Bible every night with my family. We started at the beginning, and now we're on Genesis chapter 20-something. We just finished the part where Isaac and Rebekeh had twin boys (Esau and Jacob?) and one was a red hairy hunter who sold his birthright for some pottage from Jacob. I know Jacob was righteous and all, but don't you think that's a little conniving? Why do you think he did that? Was Esau always a pain in the neck or something and Jacob had had enough? Or did Jacob know that it wouldn't mean a lot to Esau to have the birthright anyway?

I'd like to know your thoughts (if anybody read this...)

And, I'll still update when I can. I'm not quitting!!