Monday, March 3, 2008

Joshua 1

"Let us study the scriptures and “meditate therein day and night,” as counseled by the Lord in the book of Joshua (1:8)." (Thomas S. Monson, Liahona, November 2006)

Days to Read: 1


So I decided to pick a bigger book this time to read. And, I'll admit I picked Joshua because my kids watched a Veggie Tales called Josh and the Big Wall and I wanted to see if the book was like the movie. It was, minus the talking vegetables. I also decided to stop at chapter 1 and write because it was powerful to me.

As you know, Moses has died and Joshua is the new prophet (kind of fitting to read right now, because we also just got a new prophet). The Lord gave Joshua the same counsel four times in this chapter: "be strong and of a good courage." If Joshua does this, and meditates "therein day and night," the Lord promises that he will not fail him, forsake him, the people shall be prosperous, he will have success, and the people will "enjoy" the land of their possession. The people sustained Joshua in verse 16 by saying, "all that thou commandest us we will do, and whithersoever thou sendest us, we will go."

We can apply this same counsel to our life: be strong of a good courage, meditate day and night, and sustain our prophet.

Up next: Joshua 2-6